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Lap Cat to Supreme Grand Champion in 90 days


Updated: May 2, 2024

We never imagined when we started our showing journey in May of 2023 that in 90 days we would have our first TICA Supreme Grand Champion, and it would be our sweet lap cat Logan. Yet that is exactly what happened! Introducing Seven Streams Logi Bear of Zion Forest, or as we like to call him Uncle Logan. The nickname says it all. He is the cat everyone loves. He welcomes each new cat or kitten into our home and shows them the ropes. We brought him to our second show as an emotional support cat for Pharaoh ( no really that was his job) On a whim we decided to show him. The judges have loved him!

Logan has learned to be bathed and blow dried (has total trust in me but not impressed ususally) Allows me to primp and fuff (until he has had enough), spray and comb. his gorgous cream coat. Then acts like a seasoned show cat in the ring. He loves to reach out to the judges when they walk by and pat their arms. Rolls around in the ring awaiting his turn to be admired and talks loudly to anyone who will lissten. He is a rare color, Cream and not a tabby, he is a solid cream. not the typical brown or black tabby usually seen in the Norwegian Forest Cat class. He has a beautiful profile, a lovelyy equalateral triangle head and a nice body type, a lovely undercoat that the cats are known for and beautiful expressive almond shaped eyes. You can see the breed standard here : TICA Norwegian Forest Cat Breed Standard

To date he has earned 2 Best Alter placings, several top 5 and many top 10 in all breed and the specialty rings. As of today he is not only a Supreme Grand Champion but he is the #1 Alter Internationally, and in our region, and number 40 all breed alter internationally.

Thank you to all the judges who chose him for thier finals, and specators who have loved him and cheered him on. He is my lap cat during the day, and turns out he is our first rising star. We shall see where the dust settles in April at the end of the year.


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Tara, Dave and Nicole Johnson

Snohomish, Washington, USA


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