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Kittens, Kittens Kittens


New Babies and Winter Kittens

On September 22 Judy and Quinnton blessed us with 3 lovely kittens. 1 black ticked tabby and Two torbie ( a calico with tabby markings) girls one with white. Their colors are still developing and I reserve the option to change them to torties ( no tabby markings) lol. Judy’s last litter of kittens is maturing so nice we are confident this group will be just as bold and confident at the Wizard of Oz group.  As of today ( Oct 15th)  2 of the 3 are reserved. Nutmeg is still looking for a family to call her own.

What is a “Ticked Tabby”, I am so glad you asked. Ticked tabbys is a patter that doesn’t actually show a pattern. Here is a link to a great article on the ticked pattern and how it presents. The Messy Beast website has a plethora of amazing information.

How Do you Reserve a Kitten?

Please take a look at our about page We have a simple Kitten Application form. Fill that out and email it so and we will arrange a call to chat and see how we can best help you find your next furry friend. *Breeders, we have high hopes for some upcoming match ups. In particular Artyi and Tormund and Cami and Quinnton. Once we have chatted and you are satisfied we are the breeder for you, you can join our waitlist for the upcoming litters. We generally do not have a long list we like to place litters as they arrive.


December and January Litters

We are very excited about a super match up with the LostWoods Cattery from Oregon. 2024 TICA Norwegian Forest Cat kitten of the year and now Supreme Grand Champion LostWoods Tormund Giantsbane and our lovely “Artyi” Vikingtails Artyi. We have big dreams for these kittens in the show ring and as potential breeder options. We expect an array of beautiful classic tabby and white kittens but cannot rule out the possibility of black and white tuxedo or Vans as well. After this litter is in their new homes, we hope to return Artyi to the show ring if she likes it and giver her a chance in the spotlight.

Vikingtails Artyi of ZionForest LostWoods Tormund Giants Bane

 The last 2024 litter will be with Quinnton our red and white classic tabby male and Cammi our black silver mackerel tabby and white girl. This will be their first littetogether and the color possibilities are so exciting. All the girls will be tortie or torbies. They will most likely be very similar to our Charis girl with that fun calico pattern with a good amount of white on them. Since Cami is not red the boys will be a black and white or black tabbies with or without white. One more fun factor since Cami is silver there could be a chance some of the babies will show silver coloring as well.

I love genetics! Here is a great website to look at color genetics and I will attach a PDF from TICA about how red affects the color as well. I learning so much about colors and patterns.


2025 plans

Charis, Gloria and Olia will all have their first litters next year if everything goes to plan. We try not to have summer babies but this year might be an exception. Earliest breeding would be begin in February most likely then continue as age appropriate for the girls. We determine breeding based on age and then how often they are cycling to let us know when they are ready.

Olia - Norgeskaukatt Sjofndottir

SevenStreams CharisMa ZionForest Gloria Arietta



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Tara, Dave and Nicole Johnson

Snohomish, Washington, USA


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